Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

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Consortium on Moral Decision-Making Has Soft Launch

On Friday March 17, the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making had a soft launch, with 25 faculty from around the university. Faculty attended in person and on Zoom (see below) from disciplines including psychology (social, clinical, industrial-organizational), media studies, philosophy, engineering, sociology, history and anthropology, business ethics, communication arts and sciences, and hospitality management. We will have another meeting in April to forge connections and identify cross-cutting themes among faculty, in advance of the Consortium’s formal launch in the 2023-2024 academic year.

More details about the Consortium here, and contact Dr. Cameron if you’re interested in getting involved! We will include faculty and graduate students, including both from Penn State and eventually other universities as well.