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Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

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Lab News

Rachel Buterbaugh Receives Mona Shibley Bird Award

Rachel Buterbaugh, our senior lead RA for the EMP Lab, has received the Mona Shibley Bird Memorial Scholarship for undergraduate excellence and future career potential in Psychology. Congratulations, Rachel!

EMP Lab at SPSP 2025

EMP Lab graduate student Joshua Wenger will be presenting two posters on our work on empathic AI. Come say hi to Josh, and nice work in repping the EMP Lab at SPSP this year!

Josh Wenger Accepted into EASP Summer School

Josh Wenger, 2nd-year student in the EMP Lab, has been accepted in to the European Association for Social Psychology's summer school for this year ( He'll be taking part in the work-stream on the moral psychology...

EMP Lab Alumni Return to State College

Two alumni from the EMP Lab, Clara Civiero and Lauren O'Rourke, returned to State College this past weekend. They caught up with the group, telling us how they have been doing in their first years in graduate school. It's always fun to welcome back...

Inaugural EMP Lab Hike!

We took our inaugural EMP Lab hike last month along Jackson Trail to David's Vista in Rothrock State Forest. This area has such great autumnal weather and views, and it was fun to share this with our group!

Dr. Cameron Presents at The Most Good Conference

Dr. Cameron gave a talk titled "Expansive Empathy: Motivating Empathic Choices Across the Moral Circle" at the Most Good conference in Brooklyn, New York. More details about the conference can be found here, along with the archived live-stream of...

Dr. Cameron Interviewed for Scientific American

Dr. Cameron was interviewed for a piece on motivated empathy in Scientific American. The article considers the individual and societal/structural elements that shape whether we decide to empathize with others. The article covers a lot of the...

Dr. Cameron Interviewed by NOAA Cinematographers

Dr. Cameron was interviewed by Caitlin Bailey and Art Howard from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) about empathy for deep-sea animals, including a panel with fellow Penn State social psychologist Dr. Janet Swim. A...

Penn State News Recaps on the Consortium’s Year

The Social Science Research Institute, one of our research funding partners here at Penn State, released two news releases last year in Penn State News about the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making ( Check them out...

Penn State News Release on Our AI-Empathy Conference

In April 2024, we hosted an interdisciplinary conference on empathy, morality, and AI through the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making. To learn more, check out this Penn State News release, which also covers our lab's broader interest in this topic...

Penn State News Story on Expanding Empathy 2024

We returned with Expanding Empathy in spring 2024, through the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making. Our sixth year running the series, including psychologists and philosophers talking about empathy and morality, this is a highlight for the EMP Lab...

Rock Ethics Institute Releases News Story on the Consortium

Check out this news story on the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making, written by EMP Lab graduate Eliana Hadjiandreou. This news story talks about some of the ideas motivating the EMP Lab and Dr. Cameron's vision for the Consortium in the years...