Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

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Eliana Hadjiandreou, Ph.D.

Graduate student

Eliana graduated from the EMP Lab in spring 2024. Her work broadly studies how we perceive others’ empathy and altruism, with a particular interest on how such perceptions and norms can affect our willingness to include others in our moral circles and engage in dialogue across different group divides. Eliana’s work on beliefs about the origins of political affiliation has been previously funded by the McCourtney Institute for Democracy through a Democracy Grant, and is in active collaboration with the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding at UNC Chapel Hill, where Eliana is currently a student affiliate. Eliana’s dissertation work on perceptions of moral expansiveness is supported by the Forrest S. Crawford Graduate Fellowship in Ethical Inquiry through the Rock Ethics Institute for the 2022-2023 academic year. She is now a post-doctoral fellow at University of Texas at Austin.

Research Interests

Emotional and cognitive motivations, decision-making surrounding empathy and altruism