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Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

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  4.  | Martina Orlandi, Ph.D.
Martina Orlandi, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Scholar in Engaged Ethics

Martina Orlandi (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Scholar in Engaged Ethics at the Rock Ethics Institute. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from McGill University and her B.A. from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. She was coordinator of the Interuniversity Research Group on Normativity (GRIN) and a member of the Center for Research in Ethics (CRE). Martina’s research focuses on philosophy of action and moral psychology. She is interested in issues about self-deception, self-control, and in how empathy can be employed to encourage belief revision. She has presented her work at international conferences in Canada, Germany, Ireland, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Her research on self-control has been recently published in Philosophical Explorations.

Outside of her day job, Martina has a strong commitment to public philosophy and has published her work in popular venues such as The Conversation and The Prindle Post, where she has written about ethics and social philosophy. Before coming to Penn State, she was a Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Visit her website here:

Research Interests

Philosophy of action and moral psychology; Self-deception, self-control, empathy, and belief revision; Public philosophy