Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

Empathy and Moral Psychology
(EMP) Lab

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Vani Gupta

Graduate Affiliate

Vani is a doctoral student in the HDFS Department at Penn State University. With research experience at the Decision Lab in IIT Kanpur, she focused on studying the impact of Covid-19 on anxiety and foraging decisions. Vani holds a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences and Bio-engineering from IIT Kanpur and a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Delhi Technological University. In her free time, she enjoys singing Hindustani classical music, learning Sanskrit, and volunteering. Vani also loves traveling and engaging in interesting conversations with ‘humans’ across the world.


Research Interests

Neuroscience of mindfulness and empathy through decision making, across different developmental periods